Hello there fair traveler. It seems you have stumbled upon our frozen wasteland. We here at Raunge have a Lucid word count of 150. Meaning if you can't reach don't feel bad. You won't be punished.
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Felor Reich Vicertera Silver Claw Feet Azure Fang Brotherhood Site credits
All Creatures Credit to Sidheim, Illu, Selly, & Aiyanna. Do not Take as your own, all Role-plays and characters are copyright to their owners. DO NOT ATTEMPT THEFT ANYTHING ON THIS SITE THE LAW WILL BE INVOLVED!
Rule: 1)Respect Everyone Mods, Members and Guests. 2)Be Nice. 3)Keep IC problems IC. 4)No Spamming. 5)No Advertising 6)No begging for posts 7)Remeber to have fun. Word of the Week Cbox Game. We have hidden a word that may be used quite a bit on the site or not all, but we have a hidden word that you can find for a reward. Just pm a mod or admin that you have found the word and provide the word and you will be credited the 500 caps to your chosen character. Warning please do not spam the cbox in an attempt to guess the word. If you need any help please find someone with one of these color names. Admin Moderator 4k chất lượng cao 2015 Brothers với phụ đề xem miễn phí tại trang web
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